Miss Ghana UK: Watch All the Dance Highlights
May 16, 2019

TBT: Miss Ghana UK
”Provides a platform for beautiful, talented and intelligent young women of Ghanaian descent to gain confidence, meet new people, learn public speaking and grow into responsible young adults.”~ Miss Ghana UK
Miss Ghana UK is usually held on Saturdays at Gaumont Palace (formally Dominion Centre) in Wood Green, London N22 6DS.
Watch All the Dance Highlights From Miss Ghana UK 2017 and 2018
Miss Ghana UK Beauty Pageant is usually held around September,
if have what it takes to be Miss Ghana UK, Contact Miss Ghana UK , alternatively, use this Application Form to apply.
Miss Ghana UK Beauty Pageant.’s aim is to empower young women to work at their craft and excel at their gifts. .
Visit www.missghanauk.co.uk for more information