58 year old woman gives birth to twins…

Be inspired: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…God’s timing is perfect!
Ghana Daily Graphic ~ A 58-year-old woman has given birth to her firstborn… ..beautiful twins girls at the Trustcare Specialist Hospital and Fertility Centre in Kumasi after undergoing an Intro-Vitro Fertility and Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) at the centre.
According to Ghana Daily Graphic, the woman in question has been married for thirty years. It is believed she stopped menstruating almost 11 year ago, last year she had an operation to uterus fibroid before proceeding with the IVF treatment.
”According to Mr Adu, three months after the operation, she was put on medication to enhance growth of the womb to make it stronger, due to her menopausal state, and the IVF procedure then commenced on February 2, 2016.” ~Daily Graphic
The Clinical Embryologist, Mr Isaac Kofi Adu confirmed to Daily Graphic that both mother and children are well.