Laws of Success…

You want something- what are you willing to pay for it?
The greatest waste of emotion, Guilt
The Greatest Mistake— Giving Up
The greatest Blessing—Good Health
The greatest gamble- substituting hope for facts
The greatest Joy— Being Needed
The greatest opportunity- the next one
The greatest thought—God
The greatest victory—Victory over self.
The greatest handicap- ego
The greatest Loss—-Loss of Self Confidence
The greatest need— Common Sense
The best action— keeping the mind clear and judgment good
The biggest fool—The man who lies to himself.
The most potent force – Positive thinking
The most certain thing in life – Change
The most intelligent Man – The one who does what he thinks is right.
The most rewarding play—Successful work
The most expensive indulgence—Hate
The most dangerous person—the liar
The most ridiculous trait— False Pride
By Tonighter