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Kigali Fashion Week – Rwanda

Kigali Fashion Week – Rwanda

Kigali Fashion Week, Rwanda, Photos Credit: Swag Of Africa

Highlights  From Mercedes – Benz Fashion Week in Kigali, Rwanda last week

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, was last week at Kigali, Rwanda.

The exciting glitz and glam, it is the first time Mercedes Benz Fashion is held in Rwanda. The only other African is Ghana.

Benz Fashion Week in Kigali, Photo Credit: Swag of Africa

Over 13 unique designers from across Africa AND abroad like South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, US, Kenya, Canada, UK, Burundi and more.The Mercedes sponsored a fantastic event.



The designers are Cynthia Rupari, Quophi Akotuah, Patrick Muhire, Quiteria Kekana, Christabel Kente, George Malelu, Lord Gilles, Thalissa Makeup Studio Rw and more.

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The occasion was a great success, very colourful, cheerful, and a fantastic Night.


Kigali Fashion Week, Rwanda, Photos Credit: Swag Of Africa
Kigali Fashion Week, Rwanda, Photos Credit: Swag Of Africa


Kigali Fashion Week, Rwanda, Photos Credit: Swag Of Africa


Kigali Fashion Week, Rwanda, Photos Credit: Swag Of Africa


Our very Swag of Africa was there to capture every moment.


All these beautiful images from Swag of Africa

Kigali Fashion Week, Rwanda, Photos Credit: Swag Of Africa
Benz Fashion Week in Kigali, Photo Credit: Swag of Africa


Photography by @swagofafricanews
Photos Credit:  @swagofafricanews
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