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Ways You Can Make Your Loved Ones In Ghana And East Africa Happy

Ways You Can Make Your Loved Ones In Ghana And East Africa Happy

Ever wondered what is the cheapest and best way to send money to your loved ones in Ghana or East Africa? Look no further, let me tell you about Wave, a new app that I’m sooo excited about!


The Wave app allows you to send money instantly from your smartphone to mobile money in Ghana and East Africa- without any fees! We’ve used Wave to send money to back home and the funds were delivered in less than ten seconds!!
Check it out yourself!…
Use the code ‘AFRICANCELEBS’ to have a £5 credit added to your first transfer!”

It’s the cheapest and fastest way to send money to Ghana and East Africa from anywhere, at anytime, from the barbershop; while doing your groceries, at a party or while having fufu in the restaurant.

Check it out yourself!…
Use the code ‘AFRICANCELEBS‘ to have a £5 credit added to your first transfer!” 






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