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Photos: New Kotokuraba Shopping Mall

Photos: New Kotokuraba Shopping Mall

Tuesday 29 November , 2016, President John Dramani Mahama of Ghana inaugurated the newly built Cape Coast Kotokuraba Market  in the Central Region of Ghana.

The market has all the latest amenities, it has banks,  school, hospital, serveral shops of course, eatery, a fire department offices, a parking lot… and more

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Osabarima Kwesi Atta II, the Paramount Chief of the Oguaa Traditional Area thanked government for the project.

“It is a good thing that has happened in Oguaa. About 4 years ago this place was disorganised. The late President John Atta Mills saw the importance to develop the market. We thank you [President Mahama] and your team for the good work you have done,”

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kotokoraba-market- fan photo

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