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Road To Fame: What Does Your Fashion Sense Say About You?

Road To Fame: What Does Your Fashion Sense Say About You?

Check out our amazing young Fashionistas on their Road to fame. More about fashion here 

Evania Heart

Evania Heart

 What Does Your Fashion Sense Say About You? Meet little princess Evania Heart, she is mixed African, VIP Model, Jamaican, British, Nigerian, Runway Model Filipino…

Evania Heart

She started her modelling career at the age of 4. Evania has been featured on various websites worldwide and even kids fashion magazines…

Future Miss World!

Evania Heart

Evania Heart

Need a beautiful child model?  Follow/Contact Evania Heart on Instagram @rockie.meow

Evania Heart’s Instagram account is run by mom


A post shared by Evania Heart (@rockie.meow) on



Credit: Evania Heart/@rockie.meow 

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