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The Year of Return Ghana 2019

The Year of Return Ghana 2019

The Year of Return -Ghana

Slavery is one brutal phenomenon associated with the centuries in the past.

The only problem as to why it may preferably not be seen as a socio-economical system is that the Africans accounted for nearly 90% of the victims at this time.

Countries that immensely benefited from slavery includes the Dutch, Britain, Portugal and more. 

For United States of America, as many tobaccos, and cotton industrialist forced Africans and other defenceless tribes to till their soil or get killed.


The Year of Return



The Year of Return is a memorable milestone in the history of Africans as it was enshrined to mark the arrival of the first enslaved innocent Africans on American soil (Jamestown, Virginia).

Africans were kidnapped, bought and stolen.

The torture, deprivation, humiliation, raping, beatings, killings suffered in the hands of the slave-master inspire Africans home and in the diaspora to take part in the remembrance of their forefathers.


”May humanity never again perpetuate such injustice against humanity’


The 400th annual remembrance is from 5th through the 14th of August 2019

The Africans of timber and caliber are trooping in to celebrate the flexibility of the victims of the long-lasting Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

Notably at the time is the famous“Door of No Return,” 


The Year of Return


The dreadful situation of the “Middle Passage” (Atlantic) was enough to take the lives out of the Africans who were boarding a ship for the first time.

It was stated, however, that whoever marched past the fearful Door of No Return as a slave would never set eyes on his or her fatherland until demise.


The Year of Return


Africa endured this inhumane act and can live past the traumatic condition of its citizens.

Today, the presumed Door of No Return has become the door of return as many curious Africans have visited the door to imagining the unimaginable torture the slave endured.


The 2019 celebration promises to bring Ghana to the whole world as one of the popular tourist locations for Africans and the people of the world.


This will further improve the economy of the country, and as a result, adequate preparation has been made towards the recipient of tourists across the globe.



The Year of Return


Africans have returned and sure will continue to make resounding history as their ancestors had paid the invaluable price with their blood and sweat.

The Year of Return


Credit: Ghana Education/History/Schooling In Ghana/Research/First hand Info/ Cape Coast Castle

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